What we do:
- Counsel girls in making life-altering decisions concerning their pregnancies.
- Provide free pregnancy tests.
- Arrange ultrasounds and accompany abortion minded clients to the hospital for their appointment and discuss it afterwards with them.
- Provide some baby items and clothing for women with unplanned pregnancies who decide to keep their babies.
- Offer scholarships to women who never finished school or do not have a job, to enable them to learn a trade to support themselves and their children.
- Provide nutrition, parenting, and/or birthing classes for pregnant women who have sought out the Center’s help.
- Provide a hot line to call in with questions on unplanned pregnancy and abortion.
- Offer abstinence education in schools and youth groups, and host purity retreats.
- Offer to disciple those clients who express interest in learning more about God and His Word.
- Organize a support group for women who are post-abortive.
- Provide resources for clients and churches on abstinence, healthy relationships, STD’s, unplanned pregnancies, etc.